Internal Advisory Board:
Mark Aber
Mark Aber is an Associate Professor of Psychology. His primary area of research
is in the Clinical/Community and Social-Personality-Organizational divisions.
His research interests fall into three general categories. First, he is
interested in understanding and intervening with adolescents at high risk
for the development of socio-emotional problems. Second, he is interested
in understanding the conceptualization and treatment of these high-risk
youth in the legal and mental health systems. Third, he is interested in
developing new analytic approaches for the study of developmental data.
> more
Jessica Bannon
Jessica Bannon is a PhD candidate in the Center for Writing Studies and
currently serving as Acting Associate Director of Freshman Rhetoric. She
began teaching EUI affiliated Rhetoric courses in the fall of 2003 and has
presented her work with EUI colleagues in a number of professional contexts
including the English Articulation Conference, the National Council of Teachers
of English Annual Convention, and the Conference on College Composition
and Communication. She continues to encourage other Rhetoric instructors
to participate in this
cross-campus initiative and to recognize the value of qualitative research
to undergraduates in writing courses.
Chip Bruce
Chip Bruce is Professor in Library & Information Science, Curriculum
& Instruction, Bioengineering, the Center for Writing Studies, and the
Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign. His background in computer science defines a continuing
interest in the promise, as well as the perils, that information and communication
technologies offer for understanding, representing, and transforming lived
experiences. Over time, that interest has led to explorations of a variety
of questions regarding the nature of knowledge, democratic participation,
community, technology, and literacy. He has drawn from John Dewey's theory
of inquiry and the broader pragmatist tradition, including the work of Jane
Addams, William James, Ella Flagg Young, and others, and perhaps most of
all on studies situated in community action. Chip Bruce is author of, Libr@ries:
Changing Information Space and Practice (2006) and Literacy in the Information
Age: Inquiries into Meaning Making with New Technologies (2003), in addition
to various articles, and presentations. He is Co-Director of the Community
Informatics Initiative, and has contributed to the development of computer
systems to support collaboration and community action, such as Quill, the
Inquiry Page, and Community Inquiry Labs (iLabs).
> more info
Tim Cain
Tim Cain is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Organization
and Leadership’s graduate program in higher education and can serve
as a resource for EUI faculty on issues and scholarship in higher education.
His research explores historical and modern topics involving academic freedom,
campus speech, university administration, and faculty unionization.
In this work, he seeks to understand the development of modern policies
and structures, as well as the experiences of students and faculty in trying
situations. Tim teaches courses on the foundations of higher education,
college students, diversity in higher education, and the changing college
curriculum. Prior to arriving at the University of Illinois, he earned
degrees at the University of Michigan (Ph.D., higher education), The Ohio
State University (M.A., higher education and student affairs), and Duke
University (B.A., history and art history).
Jorge Chapa
Jorge Chapa is the first permanent Director of the Center on Democracy in
a Multiracial Society at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He
is also a Professor of Sociology and Latina/Latino Studies. Chapa's
research has focused on alternatives to increase the successful participation
of minorities in higher education and other public institutions. He is also
currently doing research on diversifying higher education and voting rights.
Priscilla Fortier
Priscilla Fortier is Assistant Dean and Associate Director of the Minority
Student Affairs and the McNair Scholars Program, and Adjunct Professor of
Educational Policy Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana. She
received her bachelor's degree in linguistics from the University of California
at Berkeley, a master's degree in German from the University of Wisconsin
at Madison, and a PhD in higher education history (Department of Educational
Organization and Leadership) from The University of Illinois. She has general
university responsibilities for activities and programs that facilitate
the retention of underrepresented students. These include supervising the
largest academic services center on campus, which employs 85 graduate and
undergraduate peer tutors. The McNair Scholars Program is a U.S. Department
of Education initiative with the goal of encouraging low-income and underrepresented
students to enter graduate school and eventually assume faculty positions.
Each spring she teaches a course that introduces research methodologies
to students who anticipate conducting research under the auspices of either
the McNair Program or the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) during
the following summer. Each fall she teaches an EUI course through Educational
Policy Studies, in which students research individual topics that focus
upon issues of race or ethnicity within the university. The course targets
junior and senior McNair and SROP participants from previous summers, thus
giving them an enhanced and expanded qualitative research experience.
John Griswold
John Griswold has been a lecturer in the Department of English for seven
years and has taught a variety of rhetoric, literature, and creative writing
courses. He has an MFA from Miami and has published essays, stories, and
poems in "War, Literature and the Arts"; "Mediphors;" "Natural Bridge;"
"McSweeney's;" "Inside Higher Ed;" and "Adjunct Advocate", where he is a
contributing editor. Within the Ethnography of the University Initiative
John Griswold has integrated various ethnographic methods into his coursework
in rhetoric and creative writing.
Lisa Hinchliffe
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe is Head of the Undergraduate Library, Coordinator
for Information Literacy Services and Instruction, and Associate Professor
of Library Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
She is also a member of the Association of College and Research Libraries'
Information Literacy Institute Immersion faculty. The Undergraduate Library
is widely-known for its use of social networking to reach out and connect
with students. Lisa has worked to foster a culture of exploration and experimentation
in "The Undergrad" as well as through her leadership of the Library's
User Education Committee. Lisa's research interests are student learning,
innovation, and developing library services. She has master's degrees in
educational psychology and library and information science from the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an undergraduate degree is philosophy
from the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. Lisa is widely sought as
a speaker and author nationally and internationally.
Joanne Kaczmarek
Joanne Kaczmarek is the Archivist for Electronic Records at the University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Currently she is a team member of the ECHO
DEPository project and is participating in several institution-wide initiatives
to gain better controls of information resources, ranging from administrative
records to scholarly output. Prior to her current position Joanne was the
project coordinator for the Mellon-funded UIUC OAI-PMH Cultural Heritage
Repository project.
Lydia Khuri
Lydia Khuri is the Program Coordinator for two of Housing's Undergraduate
living learning communities. Intersections focuses on intercultural relations
(primarily race and ethnicity) within the United States and Global Crossroads
focuses on relations within an international context. Action research is
also part of Intersection’s mission to engage students in examining
their own communities within the University. EUI courses have provided the
vehicle for this research.
William J. Maher
William Maher is University Archivist and Professor of Library Administration
(1995-) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He was
Assistant University Archivist at UIUC (1977-85 & 1985-95), and Program
Officer at the National Endowment for the Humanities (1985-86). He was President
(1997-88) and Treasurer (1991-94) of the Society of American Archivists;
and President (1987-89) and Secretary-Treasurer (1981-85) of the Midwest
Archives Conference. He holds degrees from Case Western Reserve University
(1972), Washington University (1975), and UIUC (1991). As the author of
one book and over 20 articles, he is a regular speaker on archival administration
and copyright law, especially as it pertains to archival and manuscript
collections. His copyright research interests include U.S. copyright from
1783 through 1800 and international copyright issues in an era of globalization.
Ellen Moodie
Ellen Moodie is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her work addresses violence and insecurity in
Central America, with a particular focus on social suffering as it is constituted
and revealed through talk, mass media, and historical archives. Over the
past 12 years, she has carried out ethnographic fieldwork in the postwar
ruins of San Salvador, El Salvador. Her research has yielded a book manuscript,
"It's Worse than the War;" Telling Everyday Danger in Postwar San Salvador.
As a recurring instructor within the Ethnography of the University Initiative,
Ellen Moodie has taught courses on ethnographic methods, Latin American
cultures, ethnography through language, and the anthropology of Central
> more info
Peter Mortensen
Peter Mortensen is Associate Professor of English, where he directs the
Freshman Rhetoric and Academic Writing Programs. He has research interests
in the history of rhetoric and literacy and in qualitative studies of writing
and reading. Mortensen's work in writing program administration allows him
to observe how certain aspects of university planning and policymaking play
out in the lives of students, staff, and faculty. Currently Professor Mortensen
is serving as an Associate Provost Fellow in the Office of Academic Affairs.
Peter Mortensen is one of three co-founders of the Ethnography of the University
Initiative, and has served as its co-director since 2003.
> more info
Teresa Ramos
Teresa Ramos is a third year Ph.D. student in cultural anthropology.
Her primary interest is transforming public education to better serve the
needs of minorities by working through the methodologies of Educational
Anthropology and Critical Race Theory. Teresa has been involved with the
Ethnography of the Brown v Board of Education Commemoration (EBC) at UIUC
and the Ethnography of the University Initiative (EUI) since 2003. EUI continues
to guide her interdisciplinary research on racism and social responsibility
in public higher education. Other areas of interest include Ethnic Studies
and Educational Policy Studies. She has also been involved with the Anthropology
Diversity Committee at UIUC, Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society,
Chicana/Latina Association for Autonomous Anthropology, La Casa Cultural
Latina, and the McNair Scholars Program.
Deanna Raineri
Deanna Raineri is Associate Dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
Associate Director of the Illinois Informatics Institute, and Assistant
Professor in the Department of Microbiology. She is responsible for technology
support in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). In this
capacity, she oversees ATLAS (Applied Technologies for Learning in the Arts
and Sciences). As the Associate Director of the newly formed Illinois Informatics
Institute (I3), she helps to foster multi-disciplinary collaboration, provide
support for joint academic appointments, offer courses and develop new academic
programs, and sponsor research and technology development, all in informatics-related
Junaid Rana
Junaid Rana is an assistant professor of Asian American Studies and Anthropology
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Trained as a cultural
anthropologist he specializes in the study of South Asian diaspora, in particular
Pakistani immigrants. His research and teaching interests include the study
of race/racism, Islam and Muslims, and community organizing. He is currently
completing a book manuscript entitled Constructing the Enemy: Race,
Muslims, and South Asian Diaspora, that addresses the complex relationship
of Islamophobia, global racial formations, and transnational migration.
Bruce Rosenstock
Bruce Rosenstock is Associate Professor of Religious Studies. He
obtained his Ph.D. in Classics at Princeton University. His recent publications
include: New Men: Converso Religiosity in the Fifteenth
Century, a monograph dealing with the two most important converso
Churchmen of 15th-century Spain, (Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research
Seminar, series ed. Alan Deyermond, 2003); "Mourning
and Melancholia: Reading the Symposium" (Philosophy
and Literature (28.2, 2004); and "Capra
Contra Schmitt: Two Traditions of Political Romanticism" (Theory
& Event 8:4, 2005). Currently, Prof. Rosenstock is a Fellow of
the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities where he is working
on a book entitled Philosophy and the Jewish Question:
From Mendelssohn to Cavell.
Beth Sandore
Beth Sandore is Associate University Librarian for Information Technology
Planning and Policy and Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library. Her professional experience and research focus on technology development
and evaluation in libraries, including experimental work with image and
multimedia databases. Her recent publications include a user evaluation
study of the Museum Educational Site Licensing image database, a book on
technology and management in libraries co-authored with F. W. Lancaster,
and a Fall, 1999 issue of Library Trends devoted to digital image access
and retrieval. Her research has been supported by the Institute of Museum
and Library Services, the J. Paul Getty Trust, the National Science Foundation,
and the Intel Corporation. She has served in an advisory capacity for a
number of groups on imaging and technology evaluation projects, including
the U.S. Department of Education, the Getty Information Institute, the Andrew
Mellon Foundation, and the Oregon Historical Society.
Sarah Shreeves
Sarah Shreeves has been the Coordinator for the Illinois Digital Environment
for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS), the institutional repository
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), since mid-2005.
Her primary responsibilities are working with faculty and departments to
raise awareness of and get content into IDEALS, to consult with faculty
and departments around scholarly communication issues raised by IDEALS such
as author rights, and to manage the development of services that support
IDEALS. She has spoken and published extensively on metadata interoperability
particularly within the context of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol
for Metadata Harvesting. Her research interests lie in scholarly communication
issues related to institutional repositories and metadata interoperability.
She has a BA in Medieval Studies from Bryn Mawr College, an M.A. in Children’s
Literature from Simmons College, and an M.S. in Library and Information
Science from UIUC.
Ellen Swain
Ellen Swain is the Archivist for Student Life and Culture at the University
of Illinois Archives. She administers the Archives' Student
Life and Culture Archival Program, an endowed program devoted to documenting
student life and culture both locally at the University of Illinois and
nationally at other universities. Her research interests include the role
of oral history as a documentation strategy in the academic archives. She
currently is working on a study of student life at the University of Illinois
during the 1920s and 1930s, based in part on her oral history project with
forty-four UI alumni who graduated from the University in 1927-39.
> more info
Synthia Sydnor
Synthia Sydnor is Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Community Health
at the University of Illinois. She has additional appointments in Criticism
and Interpretive Theory; and Recreation, Sport, and Tourism. Professor Sydnor’s
research interests include cultural and interpretive studies, the humanities,
and changing ideas of health, community, and modernism associated with play
and ritual. As an instructor in the Ethnography of the University Initiative,
Professor Sydnor has taught courses focusing on the traditions and transitions
of University of Illinois athletics.
> more info
John Unsworth
John Unsworth is Dean and Professor of the Graduate School of Library and
Information Science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He
has served on the faculty of the University of Virginia and of North Carolina
State University. John has published extensively on the subject of scholarship
in the digital age, and he recently chaired the American Council of Learned
Society’s (ALCS) Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities
and Social Sciences. John holds a B.A. magna cum laude from Amherst
College and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Virginia. In 2005,
he was a Vodaphone Fellow of Kings College, University College London, and
was awarded the Richard W. Lyman award.
Sandra Weissinger
Sandra Weissinger is a graduate student in the department of Sociology at
UIUC. Her research addresses the intersection of race, class, gender and
Christianity amongst women who do not earn a living wage in the Midwest.
While attending UIUC as an undergraduate student, Sandra participated in
EUI, completing her project entitled "What does it mean to be part
of UIUC?". Currently she serves on the EUI advisory board.
External Advisory Board:
Philip Altbach, Monan Professor of Higher Education and
Director of the Center for International Higher Education, Boston College
more info
Nancy Cantor, President and Chancellor, Syracuse University
> more info
Robin L. Chandler, Digital Library Program Manager, UCSD
more info
Peter Ewell, Vice President at the National Center for
Higher Education Management Systems
> more info
Barbara Ganley, Lecturer, Writing Program and English,
Middlebury College
more info
George E. Marcus, Chancellor's Professor of Anthropology,
UC Irvine & Professor, Anthropology, Rice University
> more
Ernest Pascarella, Mary Louise Petersen Endowed Chair
in Higher Education and co-director of the Center for Research on Undergraduate
Education, University of Iowa
more info
Ramon Saldivar, Hoagland Family Professor of Humanities
& Sciences, Stanford University
> more info
Cathy Small, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Northern
Arizona University
> more info
Nancy Sommers, Sosland Director of Expository Writing,
Harvard University
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