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Calendar: 2007 2008 Academic Year - Nov. 27th: EUI Student Mini-Conference, 3pm - 8 pm, 126 GSLIS, for program >click here
- January 31st: “Using Educational Technologies to Create Sustainable Research Communities,” a presentation at the 2008 Annual Faculty Retreat Using the Science of Learning to Foster Learning, for presentation >click here
- March 12th: "Interrogating the University, One Archive Entry at a Time: The Daily Life and Research of the Ethnography of the University Initiative," a presentation to the Higher Education Collaborative, for presentation >click here
- April 10th "Examining Student Research to Evaluate Diversity Programs," a presentation at the Race, Diversity and Campus Climate conference, for presentation >click here
- April 17th: EUI Student Mini-Conference, for program >click here
- May 12-14: EUI Faculty Workshop, for program >click here
Academic Year 2005-2006